The »Tsumeb Arts-Performance-Center (APC)« off ers musical and arts education to unemployed children and young adults. The result is an increased quality of life, as many of the musicians have already found employment as professional musicians or teachers in one of the three other APCs in Namibia.
The APC in Tsumeb is the third center of its kind that has been built up in Namibia by the project’s initiator Lis Hidber. It is visited by children and young adults from different social backgrounds. However, most of them face poverty and unemployment. The APC offers them new perspectives and opportunities to learn. Those who acquire a certain skill level have the chance to get employed as a teacher and pass on their knowledge to other students. Some are also able to earn their living as professional musicians. In addition to the musical teaching, the attendees also learn other skills that help them to cope with challenges in their daily life.
How to support this project?
The project is looking for skilled music professionals willing to support the education of the teaching staff of the APC. Additional opportunities for voluntary engagement exist as well.