What does Crossing Borders do ?

The aim of the project is to establish a vocational school in North-Western Cameroon. The school will allow young adults to obtain a sound professional education.

After completing their compulsory schooling, many children in Cameroon do not have any possibility to obtain further education. Professional training is expensive and education opportunities are rare. In the Akum vocational school, about 50 students per year will have the opportunity to complete a professional education. In addition to basic teaching in English, French and mathematics, students are trained either as metal workers, carpenters, masons /bricklayers, electricians or IT technicians. The construction of the schoolhouse will begin shortly. All necessary organizational and planning steps have been completed. The building project will be completed by the teachers together with the first batch of students. Modern building techniques will be combined with the usage of local material and techniques. After a three-year-phase of start-up support, the school shall become self-financed.

How to support this project?

The project is looking for people willing to get actively involved in the project. Especially support in Cameroon (either within the building project or related to the professional education) is welcome.


KiJuKa (Kinder und Jugendliche in Kamerun) e.V.

KiGha (Kinder in Ghana) e.V.


Akum (Cameroon)