Since 1995, the »Schüler helfen Schülern« association has been striving to improve the educational opportunities for children and young adults in North-Eastern Albania.
With support that has been provided, seven schools and five new day-care facilities were built and additional facilities were renovated and equipped with furniture and educational materials. More than 10.000 books made it possible to build up libraries in schools where previously no reading materials had been available. A youth center for children from poor neighborhoods was also established in the city of Shkodra. Five years ago, an intensive training program for teachers was put in place. Special efforts have been made to provide English lessons to dedicated learning groups. In 2011, a language camp was organized by the Austrian partners, local teachers and supporters. Families in need are also being supported by receiving basic household goods, clothing and food items. University students receive scholarships – until now four former grant holders have returned to the region as teachers.
How to support this project?
The project is looking for engaged teachers and skilled artisans who are willing to give their support to the project in Albania.
Verein „Schüler Helfen Schülern“
Miridite Region (Albania)