"PORET (Participatory Organic Research Extension and Training)" is dedicated to improving the living conditions of the people in Chaseyama, Zimbabwe, through the "PORET Education Center" (permaculture agricultural techniques) and a multi-purpose community center.
Agriculture provides the basis for the livelihood of the population of Chaseyama, however soil erosion is a serious problem in the region. The application of permacultural techniques has helped to transform desertified land into fertile soil to support sustainable food production. Beyond the focus on sustainable agricultural techniques, a community center has been built up, providing daycare and pre-school facilities, and educational activities related to various topics (e.g. permaculture, health, HIV-prevention) are off ered. The erection of two kindergarten buildings has been funded by Crossing Borders.
How to support this project?
The project is looking for non-monetary donations (color pens, drawing pads, pillows and mattresses, tableware and toys) as well as financial contributions in order to purchase a car (transport of school children, emergency vehicle). University students also have the opportunity to do an internship with the organization in Zimbabwe.